Friday, June 30, 2017

Day 30: Love is...

Day 30 of the YARNutopia 30 Day Photo Challenge is 'Love Is...'

Love is to me, doing what makes you happy! I love to sit and make things with my own hands. I love looking at a pattern and feeling a little overwhelmed by it but then actually figuring it out and seeing how it turned out way better than I anticipated.

A couple of months ago I made this mermaid tail outfit. I was a little nervous at first that I wouldn't be able to figure it out. The stitch looked difficult and what if it didn't look as cool as the one in the video?
I ordered the yarn online so when it arrived I was in love with the sparkly teal. I couldn't wait to get started and as I watched the video and started making it I was so in love with the results. I kept telling the customer that ordered it how much I loved it and how beautiful it was. Pictures honestly don't do this yarn justice!!

Thank you for sharing this fun challenge with me.
What was your favorite day/picture?

Happy Loving! ~ Amanda

Thursday, June 29, 2017

Day 29: My Wish List

Day 29 of the YARNutopia 30 Day Photo Challenge is 'My Wish List'

Since this is all centered around yarn. my main wish list is to buy all the yarn....and of course a room to store it all in....

I love slow walks down the yarn aisle and looking at all the different colors, textures and materials. I would love to have an endless supply of whatever yarn I need and every color possible. 

Happy Wishing! ~ Amanda 

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Day 28: Pastel

Day 28 of the YARNutopia 30 Day Photo Challenge is 'Pastel'

I normally don't graviate towards pastel colors. I typically like bright, bold colors. 
My sister ordered these teething biscuits. They were super easy to work up and thanks to The Lavender Chair for providing such a great pattern. 

These teething biscuits are made out of cotton yarn. You get them wet and pop in the freezer or fridge and give to your teething baby to chew on. I wish I would have had these when my daughter was teething. 

Happy Crocheting! ~ Amanda 

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Day 27: Soft

Day 27 of the YARNutopia 30 Day Photo Challenge is 'Soft'

I've mentioned before how much I love making scarves. I find a color of yarn I love and immediately want to make a scarf out of it. 
I came across this shawl pattern a couple of years ago and knew I wanted to make it. I found some soft yarn to use and whipped it up. And I still use it today. It's been washed a handful of times and it just gets softer. 

It's one of my favorite pieces I've made for myself. 

The pattern was super easy to follow; you can find the pattern here

Happy Crocheting! ~ Amanda 

Monday, June 26, 2017

Day 26: Words to Live By

Day 26 of the YARNutopia 30 Day Photo Challenge is 'Words to Live By'

You can check my Pinterest board "Quotes" to find a majority of my philosophy on life. From motherhood, to marriage to burning bridges. 
But the one thing that repeats itself in my head almost daily is this one. 

I've even played with the idea of getting this as a tattoo. I have a long list of tattoos I want to get so that is a blog for another day. 

But this quote resonates daily in my life. I live in a constant state of fear and anxiety. It's not always present but it sits lurking in the shadows, poking it's head up at the most inconvenient times reminding me it's there...
But I keep it at bay and it's manageable most days. I just have to remember to fly. 

Happy Flying! ~ Amanda

Sunday, June 25, 2017

Day 25: Make It Bright

Day 25 of the YARNutopia 30 Day Photo Challenge is 'Make It Bright'

I LOVE bright colors. Over the past year I've been leaning towards greens and oranges when it comes to bright colors. I even bought this main green yarn before I even had a purpose for it....Confessions of a yarnaholic. 

When I was asked to make this turtle photo prop for my new great nephew I knew exactly what color I wanted to use. 
As I worked this pattern up I fell in love with this green all over again. I can't wait to see my little nephew in this little costume! 

What bright colors do you gravitate towards? 

Happy Crocheting! ~ Amanda

Saturday, June 24, 2017

Day 24: Lines

Day 24 of the YARNutopia 30 Day Photo Challenge is 'Lines'

Anytime I make a new pattern, have notes about a pattern I found online I write it all down in this notebook I have. 
I would love to just keep them all in a google document file. But I can't get away from handwriting stuff down. I even write down my grocery list on paper and then make the list on my phone in an app I use, Anytime my husband sees me hand writing something down he always ask 'why don't you put that on your computer?' And I just can't explain it to him. 

At times I feel like I remember things better by handwriting them first. Granted, it doesn't work to well with my grocery list...I always end up forgetting something....

Do you prefer to organize your thoughts on paper first?
I am actually shocked I am able to type out these blog posts without having to write them down first. Ha!  

Happy Creating! ~ Amanda

Friday, June 23, 2017

Day 23: Where I Stand

Day 23 of the YARNutopia 30 Day Photo Challenge is 'Where I Stand'

I don't stand when I crochet. I sit at my desk for a majority of the time or sit on my couch. Every now and then you will find me outside on my patio crocheting. 
The only time I stand is when I am sewing and working on a sewing project. My table I use for sewing is a counter height table and I love it. I am always getting up to iron seams or cutting material so the table and standing work perfectly. 

I currently can't take a picture of my sewing area, it's too crowded with other things. Since I am constantly in the middle of Spring cleaning. 

So I decided to just include a picture of a sewing machine I found. 

Happy Sewing! ~ Amanda

Thursday, June 22, 2017

Day 22: Motivates Me

Day 22 of the YARNutopia 30 Day Photo Challenge is 'Motivates Me'

When I first got the itch to sew and crochet. Pinterest was (still is) my driving factor. I could sit all day just searching for craft projects, clothing ideas, tattoos, recipes and desserts.

Now half the time I search for something on Pinterest it's for inspiration. I will have an idea in my head but I have a hard time executing it without a vivid visual. 

Anytime I have idle hands or I am itching for a new project to tackle I click on Pinterest and search my own boards and find something I want to make. 

Do you use Pinterest? Here is my direct link if you want to follow me. 

Happy Pinning! ~ Amanda 

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Day 21: Stitches

Day 21 of the YARNutopia 30 Day Photo Challenge is 'Stitches'

Last year I started a temperature Afghan. You make a color chart, typically in temperature ranges for whatever area you are in. Since I live in the midwest my temps ranged from below 0 to above 90. And then I decided how many colors I wanted and broke down the temps and assigned a color to the temp range. Then you check the temp for that day (I used the temp at noon, others use that day's high or low). You then use that color for one stripe of the blanket. The project was a lot of fun and I was in a group on Facebook where everyone was sharing their blankets. Since we lived all over the world, used different colors it was so much fun to see all the colorful creations. 
Most people used just one stitch and I did start off that way, but it was too simple and plain for me. I wanted variety, textures, and a little bit of chaos. I am sad to admit I didn't finish the whole year for the blanket; I decided to just do half a year. It became way to time consuming and I wasn't able to other projects so I was stressed out about it and I just wasn't enjoying it the way I wanted.

I still get joy from the different stitches though! So that's a win in my eyes!

First month

Happy Stitching! ~ Amanda 

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Day 20: Black and White

Day 20 of the YARNutopia 30 Day Photo Challenge is 'Black and White'

I love black and white pictures. They even out skin tones, take away inperfections, and gives everything an artsy feel. 
I am in the process of making a banner for my living room for the month of July. I love how these stars look in black and white. 

Happy Crocheting! ~ Amanda 

Monday, June 19, 2017

Day 19: Texture

Day 19 of the YARNutopia 30 Day Photo Challenge is 'Texture'

One of my nieces is expecting a baby in September. So when I came across this Bernat Baby Bundle Stitch Along with The Crochet Crowd and Joann's I knew I was going to make it for my new great neice or nephew. At the time we didn't know what my niece was going to have so I went with the yellow. (She is having a boy just in case you were wondering!) 

The yarn is made up of 3 different types of yarn but 4 shades. The pattern was actually simple to follow, and one of those lovely projects you can memorized the pattern and sit in front of the TV doing mindlessly. 

The yarn is super soft and the textures are just so inviting. I teased my sister I was going to keep it as a lap blanket since it's so soft! I can't wait for my new nephew to lay on it and snuggle up to it. If he is anything like his other aunt,Taelor, he is going to LOVE anything soft and cuddly. 

Happy Crocheting! ~ Amanda 

Sunday, June 18, 2017

Day 18: Hands

Day 18 of the YARNutopia 30 Day Photo Challenge is 'Hands'

When I checked the list and saw today was 'hands'. I got way more emotional than I thought I would when I think of my hands. 
In all honesty I don't think much about them or what they have done or accomplished.  
But sitting here to make the blog post and I realized how much these hands have done in my short 37 years. 

Written letters of friendship, love, hate, hellos and goodbyes. 
I've held numerous sleeping babies, fed them, changed them. 
Raised my amazing daughter...
Taught my daughter to eat, drink, walk, ride a bike....
Put a ring on my husband's finger as we said, 'I do!'....

Stay in communication with friends and family through text, emails or instant messaging.
Wiped tears, my own and others....

The list can go on and on...but the enjoyment I get out of making something out of them is so therapeutic. 

I've always been the type to want to stay busy. I love playing video games, reading, baking, and of course crafting.
I love the fact my hands can turn a ball of yarn into something amazing! I am grateful for my thumbs that aren't the same (yeah..weird I know! HA!) The scars from injuries growing up (freak hedge clipper accident, I am lucky wasn't worse). 

Our hands have so much power to do so much! 

Happy Creating! ~ Amanda 

Saturday, June 17, 2017

Day 17: Scraps

Day 17 of the YARNutopia 30 Day Photo Challenge is 'Scraps'

I use to save all my scraps thinking I would be able to use them. But if they are smaller than 6 inches they get tossed in the trash. If I know I am making a small amigurumi part I will save some yarn and use it as stuffing, The yarn works great for small pieces, especially if they are in the same color family as the piece I am stuffing. 

I read once how you can put them outside for the birds to use as nesting material, but then also read how it's bad for them. So if anyone has a good use for small scraps, I would be happy to hear them.

Most days scraps get put in the trash pretty quickly, but other days you can find them on the floor under my chair at my desk; where I do most of my crocheting. I vacuumed yesterday so this picture is what is currently hanging out with me. It's from making crochet water balloons from Left in Knots

Full disclosure, there have been many times I have thought a spider or some other nasty looking bug was hanging out with me, only to find it was a piece of yarn.....Haha! 

Happy Crocheting! ~ Amanda 

Friday, June 16, 2017

Day 16: My Happy Place

Day 16 of the YARNutopia 30 Day Photo Challenge is 'My Happy Place'

My happy place is in a craft store, in the yarn aisle. I grabbed this picture from the internet. Any yarn/craft store will do. I like looking at all the different colors, textures. Sometimes I go to just buy a color I don't already have, other times I just go to see if inspiration strikes. And a majority of the time it's just to drool over all the yarn and what could be....

Even this picture in all it's blurry glory gives me a spark of happiness!! 

Happy Creating! ~ Amanda 

Thursday, June 15, 2017

Day 15: Favorite Color

Day 15 of the YARNutopia 30 Day Photo Challenge is 'Favorite Color.'

I sat on my floor looking at my yarn collection and decided to pick the one color I fell in love with the second I saw it. And I didn't even see it in person. My good friend was making a blanket with it and I was like 'ooooh what is that?!'

Lion Brand Heartland in Yosemite. It was easy to use and the color just doesn't disappoint. It reminds me of fall, pumpkins, cooler weather, and spiced coffee drinks. I can just look at this color all day long. I made a scarf out of it, bracelets and now I am deciding on what else I can make out of it...Maybe a shawl.....

Happy Creating! ~ Amanda 

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Day 14: Amigurumi

Day 14 of the YARNutopia 30 Day Photo Challenge is 'Amigurumi'

It doesn't come as a surprise to anyone how much I love Amigurumi. It's one of my favorite things to make. Mostly because I feel like I get better and better with each one I make. My stitches become tighter, sewing on limbs because easier and a smoother transition. 

I have had so many things I have made for customers, given away as gifts or just made because I thought it was cute and I wanted to make it.

The one item I am overly proud of making was this elephant. I found the pattern via Pinterest. But as the website opened I realized the pattern was in Russian and the pattern itself was an image file, so Google couldn't even translate it for me. I was able to make out a majority of the pieces by just looking at the numbers and how they increased and decreased. The ears caused me some serious issues, so I searched online for a Russian keyboard and I was able to type in what I *thought* the word was and match the letters. I have to admit, it was A LOT of fun.  

When I got an order for a 2nd elephant I knew what to expect and was able to make it in no time at all and with much more confidence and less hesitation. 

Happy Crocheting! ~ Amanda 

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Day 13: Wearable

Day 13 of the YARNutopia 30 Day Photo Challenge is 'Wearable'

I made this Summer Sprigs Lace Scarf this past year. Day 11 was about my favorite hook and this is the scarf I made with it. It was a long process, one I actually had to take a short break from making. I tend to like projects where you see results pretty quickly. I felt like this one wasn't moving along as fast as I would like. 

I still need to block it; I tried blocking it but it didn't work out very well. Mostly because I've never blocked anything before so I wasn't sure how to do it properly....on that note I still am not sure....Utube videos here I come. 

I made it with the smallest yarn I have ever worked with. It was Bernat Handicrafter Thread in Orchid. I really liked the crochet thread. It was easy to work with and didn't have any issues with the yarn splitting or anything.

Fun fact, for those of you who are friends with me on Facebook, I am wearing this in the profile picture.

Happy Creating! ~ Amanda 

Monday, June 12, 2017

Day 12: Variegated

Day 12 of the YARNutopia 30 Day Photo Challenge is 'Variegated'

Variegated yarn means yarn dyed with more than one color. Although I haven't made much in the way of items with variegated yarns I really do like them. I like how the colors blend into each other and they form a pattern all on their own. 

I came across this yarn back in the spring and instantly wanted to make Easter bunnies out of it. I did make one, but I wasn't happy with it how it turned out so I gave it to my daughter; who loved it. 

This yarn screamed easter, spring, sunshine, flowers and bunnies! Most yarn I see I always want to make shawls and scarves out of them. But how many scarves and shawls does one girl need??? 

So when I saw this yarn and knew instantly I wanted to make bunnies and eggs...I knew I had to go out and buy it. 

I Love This Cotton - Brights
Happy Creating! ~ Amanda 

Sunday, June 11, 2017

Day 11: Favorite Hook/Needles

Day 11 of the YARNutopia 30 Day Photo Challenge is 'Favorite Hook/Needles'

One might assume the hook I can't live without (see Day 2) would be my favorite, but it's not. My favorite hook is one I've used just a couple of times. Once to make a scarf and another to make a few crochet bracelets. 
It's tiny and I just LOVE using it. When my husband bought me a huge set of different sizes it came with these tiny hooks. I was so new to crocheting so even the thought of using a hook smaller than a 4mm was so out of reach. 

When I use this 2.10mm hook I get so giddy and excited. Although any project started with this hook doesn't take a little longer, the end result is always so satisfying. 

Happy Hooking! ~ Amanda 

Saturday, June 10, 2017

Day 10: Something New

Day 10 of the YARNutopia 30 Day Photo Challenge is 'Something New'

Oh my something new is yarn that has been sitting on my desk for almost a month. I won a giveaway a website was doing for the 'Yarn of the Month' from Darn Good Yarn

The yarn of the month kit came with the yarn, pattern (knit and crochet version) and a mystery gift (which was a crochet hook and knitting needles). 

This yarn doesn't feel like anything I have experienced before. It's super soft almost like a tshirt material and the colors are just so pretty. I like how they aren't over the top bright but more muted and just blend lovely together. 

The pattern that came with the yarn is a air plant hanger. I haven't had the opportunity to make it yet, since I've been busy with orders. A loyal customer is having her first grand-baby this year so she has been sending me something new to make almost weekly! 

I will make sure I review the yarn and post my finished project once it's done! 

What would you make out of this yarn? What do you think of these colors? 

Happy Crochet! ~ Amanda 

Day 9: Something Old

Day 9 of the YARNutopia 30 Day Photo Challenge is 'Something Old'

My something old is a Humpty Dumpty egg decoration my mother-in-law gave to my daughter. I am not sure how old it is when MIL made it, but you can tell he has aged. 

The egg itself is a plastic container pantyhose use to come in. So that dates it a little bit.

He gets put out each year around Easter and hangs out on my bookcase. It's a pleasant reminder that art lives on and will continue to live on as long as we allow ourselves the joy from it.  As long as we teach it to our children and they learn the satisfaction from making something with your own two hands, experiencing the happiness it can bring someone when they find out YOU made it for especially for them.

Go out and make something today!!

Happy Creating! ~ Amanda

Thursday, June 8, 2017

Day 8: In the Moment

Day 8 of the YARNutopia 30 Day Photo Challenge is 'In the Moment'

Today is 'In the Moment', so I took a pic of my desk. It's cluttered, messy and most days doesn't bother me. I have been in the middle of a crochet frenzy. I have several projects going on right now so my desk clearly shows this. When I am all caught up with all my crochet and other craft projects I will clean my desk and put everything in its place. 

For now I don't mind the controlled chaos. This picture is real not staged and something you will see if you stop by my house any given day. A lot of times on social media you only see a part of someone's life and it all seems perfect! This proves it's never perfect, not even close.

Happy Creating! ~ Amanda 

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Day 7: In the Home

Day 7 of the YARNutopia 30 Day Photo Challenge is 'In the Home'

It's rare I made things for myself. I've made a handful of items but I find the most joy in making things for others, whether upon request, order or for gifts. 

When I do make things for the home they tend to be small items.
Since we no longer have any animals I've taken to gardening and having plants in my house. So I've made several different doilies to rest the plants on just in case any over watering or moisture.

Here is a picture of my plants that sit in front of my north facing window and their doilies. Ignore the half painted wall. I need to finish the other part of the wall but haven't had the time to move my desk to finish it.

I love watering my plants and sitting them on these. Such a small item but they bring a lot of joy!

Happy Plants! ~ Amanda 

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Day 6: The First Letter of Your First Name

Day 6 of the YARNutopia 30 Day Photo Challenge is 'The First Letter of Your First Name'

My letter is A of course. I was drawing a blank for a couple of days, trying to figure out what something relating to crochet or yarn starts with A and I realized 'AFGHAN!!' 

I participated in a Mystery Crochet Along with The Crochet Crowd a couple of years ago. It was the first time I had ever done anything like it and the first time I made an afghan. 
It was a lot of fun not knowing how the finished project was going to look and to learn a few new techniques. The hardest part was not looking online for pictures of other people's finished project when I was finishing up mine.
Some people even went above and beyond adding a thicker border and more detail around it. It always amazes me how talented people are. 

I ended up giving my finished afghan to my daughter and she still loves it years later.  

Happy Crocheting! ~ Amanda 

Monday, June 5, 2017

Day 5: Current Project/WIP

Day 5 of the YARNutopia 30 Day Photo Challenge is 'Current Project/WIP'

My current project is an "Egg Picking Apron". 
Check out the pattern over at Heart Hook Home. This is the second apron I have made. I gifted one to my mom for Mother's Day. I had a customer order one for me and this is what I am currently working on. I am almost finished with it, just finishing up the strap and it will be packaged and shipped. 

I really liked the pattern, easy to follow and understand. My mom has received so many compliments on her apron! 
Have you made an apron from crochet before? 

Happy Crocheting! ~ Amanda 

Day 4: In My Bag

Day 4 of the YARNutopia 30 Day Photo Challenge is 'In My Bag'

I decided to do the little bag I carry around when I take my crochet out of the house. I got this cute little bag for Christmas one year and it's perfect to fit all my notions I may need. 

The pair of scissors (spring loaded with a cap), a blunt needle, a couple of bobby pins (which I use as stitch markers), a pencil and I normally add the hook I need for my project and a couple of other sizes depending on what the project is.
What I love about this bag is it's roomy enough to even add smaller items or elements of what I am working on to it. 

What's in your craft bag??

Happy Creating! ~ Amanda 

Saturday, June 3, 2017

Day 3: My Stash

Day 3 of the YARNutopia 30 Day Photo Challenge is 'My Stash.'

My stash makes me happy. Seeing all the different textures and colors of yarn makes me ache for inspiration to hit. I have only made a handful of patterns relying on others to work up a pattern for me to try out; most do not disappoint. 

This shelf isn't my only stash. Downstairs by my desk I keep a couple of small bags filled with works in progress and I keep a small trash bin that I put current yarn in I am using. When I am done with a project I take the bin upstairs, emtpy it, and then fill it with yarn for my next project. I love having several projects going on at once this way I don't get bored or idle. 

Above this shelf sits a couple of containers for small balls of yarn. The past month I've been working on cutting down some of my supply, just so I have room to buy more. 

I've had a few projects going on this past month so I haven't been up in the craft room to straighten my shelf. That will be done as soon as I finish an order I am working on now. 

Show me your stash!! 

Happy Creating!! ~ Amanda 

Friday, June 2, 2017

Day 2: Can't Live Without

Day 2 of the YARNutopia 30 Day Photo Challenge is 'Can't Live Without.'

Oh, this one is hard. I have so many items I can't live without, from my scissors, stitch markers, bobby pins (my ultimate favorite stitch marker), large corsage pins, needles (blunt and pointy), and of course my crochet hooks.
I was going to add yarn to the list but that one goes without saying!! :)

If I had to pick ONE item, it would be my 3.5mm crochet hook. I played around with some polymer clay and added a handle to it. It's my go to hook for all my amigurumi. I have started using a small hook than the 3.5mm hook but this one just feels really good in my hands. You can't see it clearly in the picture but there is even a small indent where my thumb sits while I crochet. You can't go wrong with someone that feels custom made just for you!! 

Happy Creating! ~ Amanda